Thursday 28 October 2010

too old?

Funny how my 13 year old boy was soooo shocked when I said I was writing a blog. The horror, confusion and bewilderment he registered were profound. Why? What is so odd about this? Why should I not? why are you so surprised? I don't think he had ever thought of the word 'blog' ever coming out of my mouth. I suppose if I am honest, it seems a bit rare to me too. I am more used to the pen and paper variety of communication. Honestly, I am only 38 years old but when I graduated in 1996 I had NEVER either been on t'internet OR sent an email. I hand-wrote all my essays apart from my final dissertation (which a magical, magical friend helped me with- a whizz at computers, working for an oil company - Aberdeen- designing oil rigs). So inept was I at anything computer-ish I managed to alphabeticalise all the paragraphs of my dissertation before priniting it out. Only 10000 words thankfully!SO I can now send an email and write a blog but DO NOT ask me what blue tooth is or what an IPad is capable of, because, frankly, i am not that interested. Anyway, I digress. I am just waking up to the fact that I am not that young anymore. I am trying to get used to this idea. Today for instance, as I quite often do, I looked at a man in the street thinking to myself "hmm, not bad" (or some other similarly lecherous acknowledgement of a nice jawline, good hairstyle, kind eyes etc) but I suddenly realised that this chap was very early twenties and very clearly looking at my beautiful daughter and NOT me. groan. so. I think myself a young person still. I had kids young- I enjoy seeing gigs- finding new music, clothes, keeping up with what is going on around me (even, yes, XFactor-popular culture is OK with me)... so you can imagine (if you are a brunette) how I felt when my wonderfully tactful and loving son come to me the other day (in the most earnest and sympathetic way) to ask me when I was going to do something about my moustache? Good grief, I may as well end it all now... or just start waxing.

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