Friday 22 October 2010

make up your mind?

well, its not some reference to Bucks Fizz's classic winner (although I do remember this vividly- the days when I thought we were invincible and would, of course, win the Eurovision Song contest every year- dreams that were cruelly laid to waste the very next year with the hideous attempts of Bardot). No.
I suppose it is because I sometimes think I do not know my own mind. Maybe blogging will help me to sort it out a bit. Maybe not. I have always written. I have had 2 very important and very long distance relationships in my life- both long before the days of t'internet. letters were written and received at a rate of knots. wonderful- waiting for the post to arrive then rushingsomewhere private to read and re read and read again....but I enjoyed writing letters even more than receving them. Rambling, thinking outloud, pouring thoughts, asides, things that had happened onto the page. Helps you to sift through stuff, appreciate it, understand it. Hence the blog. The modern version. Wierd that this potentially could be read by anyone (more likely no one). Does this make it less or more personal? Am i likely to be less or more candid? In for a penny..? We will see. In the meantime, It it nice to meet you (me) and I hope you (I) will enjoy the ramblings of an insecure mind which is trying to make sense of life as we know it!

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